
We supply Natural Veneers and Engineered Veneers.

Natural Veneers

Natural veneers are derived from trees grown in U.S., Europe, China and Africa.

We acquire good grade veneers from established suppliers that have less blemish and yet priced reasonably.

Engineered Veneers

Our engineered veneers are manufactured on forestry responsible and sustainable wood veneers.

The manufacturing processes are also compliant with ISO and internationally recognised forestry standards, which included ESG standards on employees’ welfare and rights as well as responsible waste management.

Our Assurance & Responsibility

Wood veneers are considered sustainable materials as it is an efficient use of wood and has a lower impact on natural resources such as air and water. It also contributes to less waste and pollution.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we are not involved in wood species that are prohibited by CITES or local laws.